Crypto 4 Missions

Who we are

In one aspect, we are you. We are an extension of the global church networking those who give generously to those who need. This is a way for you to serve the global church and us to serve you. We are deeply appreciative of who you are.

The founders are a group of people passionate about missions. We have more than 50 years of combined engagement in cross-cultural missions and insights into and experience of many different mission models. Many of us live in the area we are trying to reach.

We believe that there is a place for many of the different models, we are most excited about reaching unreached nations!

Our personal Philosophy of ministries includes:

“Making a difference with others for the sake of Christ and His Kingdom’s advancement.”

We see our current role as building up structures to help the future of mission within the 10/40 window and how it is funded.

The dream is not to be so small as to be just local. However, the aim is not to be so large that we lose contact with those that are supported.

White paper

To read more: Crypto 4 Missions.pdf